jeudi 3 juin 2010

#4 Les lyrics du jeudi /// Stanley Brinks

Stanley Brinks - Stanley Brinks (from Dank U)

Une chanson autobiographique comme il en existe au final très peu dans le monde de la musique. Stanley Brinks, la moitié d'Herman Dune, écrit sans artifice sur sa vie. Il prend le parti de la sobriété et écrit aussi bien sur ses parents que sur ses tournées, sans jamais chercher à se vanter, parlant d'une simple band quand il veut dire Herman Dune, parlant d'un simple changement de nom quand il quitte le groupe. Les petits morceaux de son existence sont autant mis en avant que les grands événements. Aucune expérience n'est plus importante que l'autre, le parcours est modeste, et le propos en gagne grandement en sincérité et en émotion.

Les lyrics étant introuvables sur le net, le Comité a été obligé de les déchiffrer lui-même, et remercie Antoine pour sa participation!

Stanley Brinks sera en concert au Point Ephémère le 26 juin. Prix : 13.80 euros.

In the summer of 1973

A boy was born and that boy was me

In the summer of 1973

A boy was born and that boy was me

Born with blue eyes and blond hair

And relatives and origins everywhere

A boy was born and that boy was me

In the summer of 1973

My mother was quiet and educated

She travelled the world she studied and she painted

My mother was quiet she was educated

She travelled the world she studied and painted

She used the french that she was reading

And she never ever made it back to Sweden

She travelled the world she studied and painted

My mother was quiet and educated

My father was a doctor but he played the guitar

On the day that you are born you know who you are

My father was a doctor but he played the guitar

On the day that you are born you know who you are

He gave me the name of my late grand father

One goes down and up comes the other

My father was a doctor but he played the guitar

On the day that you are born you know who you are

When i was a younger man I drank a lot of coffee

I studied biology and philosophy

As a younger man when I drank a lot of coffee

I studied biology and philosophy

The only thing I learnt was what no one said to me

You better live now and stop getting ready

I studied biology and philosophy

As a younger man

When I drank a lot of coffee

I played in a band

We toured the old world

The shows were exciting, fun and unheard

I played in a band

We toured the old world

The shows were exciting, fun and unheard

I loved the spirit I loved the UK

And chilling with my friends by the side of the highway

The shows were exciting, fun and unheard

When I played in a band

And we toured the old world

I loved the movies I loved the ocean

I liked the idea of an orphaned nation

I loved the movies i loved the ocean

I liked the idea of an orphaned nation

So I flew to the city to catch up with a friend

I met a few songsters and a lot of good men

I liked the idea of an orphaned nation

I loved the movies and i loved the ocean

In the fall of 2006

I changed my name to Stanley Brinks

In the fall of 2006

I changed my name to Stanley Brinks

I moved away from my friends and family

And became an enemy of society

When i changed my name to Stanley Brinks

In the fall of 2006

7 commentaires:

  1. Les paroles sont TOUTES trouvables ici->

  2. Merci pour le lien ci-dessus...magique! Si il y a moyen de mettre les tabs guitare aussi, je serais le fan le plus comblé ! :)

  3. Merci pour le lien! On s'est permis de corriger un peu nos lyrics.

  4. "Better live now and stop getting ready" aurait plus de sens .

  5. Oui, bien vu, on entend clairement le v à la fin de "live". Y'a pas photo. Je corrige. Merci!

  6. "I liked the idea of an ORPHANED nation"... je pense. En adéquation avec ses idées, en plus.

  7. Oui ça parait probable! Merci! Je le rajoute et j'en profite aussi pour remplacer "whole world" par "old world" parce qu'on dirait bien qu'il prononce un "d"...
